Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places

I was placing the locus of control outside myself for love and validation. No wonder I always felt like a victim--because with the locus of control being external, I was not in control of if/when/how much I felt loved, validated, heard, seen, worthy. It’s a very disempowering state.

The solution…

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Dawn BehmComment
Treasuring Moments

For open hearted women, laughter, honesty, caring and friendship…For Symphony of the Cells and essential oil magic…For a glass of wine and delighting in collaboration with inspiring partners and powerful dreamers and doers…

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Dawn BehmComment
The Break-Up--Creating Connection with Our Teens

How can we create connection with our teens--especially when they shut us out? When they seem to reject our hugs, our help, our everything?  Whether there is estrangement, strain or just normal teen stuff, how can we rebuild (or strengthen) the relationship and create a context where connection is possible? For today I want to share with you ONE key tool…

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Mom to Mom Keeping It Real

I thought I was well-prepared when I became a mom for the first time in 2000. With decades of babysitting, a background in early childhood education, a major in Behavioral Science, years of leading small groups of adults and teaching kids, I figured I had a clue. Boy did I have a lot to learn.

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The Magic of Taking Time to Unpack

Any habit, even gratitude, can become rote—or be vibrant and full of life. Diving deeper into gratitude this month with a book club has been revelatory and particularly powerful for me so I slowed down… I didn't want to rush through and miss the juicy goodness. Like going to yoga or PT--if I rush the motion, I miss all the range where my body is trying to stretch or integrate and it becomes a motion without meaning or impact….

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Cravings--we all have them

When I was a kid, Halloween was all about the candy haul.  And creating a cool costume. But mostly about the candy. We’d get home with this big bag of it and get started.  Literally, I ate ALL my candy within 48 hours. My tongue and mouth hurt from the sugar. I felt yucky from the buzz.  But I couldn’t stop. Just one more. Just one more. .. Why do we keep going when something already isn’t making us feel well?  Why do we CRAVE what we know isn’t doing us any good? How can we change it?…

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Staying well by listening well

A few weeks ago I created a little video sharing my lifelong pattern with getting sick….and then two weeks later, I lived it out!… The signs my body and my anxious mind were clearly telling me. Reboot time. Restore time. Rest time. I looked at my calendar….and said no… The NEXT DAY--I came down with a nasty cold…

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Dawn BehmComment