Dawn Behm

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Treasuring Moments

For open hearted women, laughter, honesty, caring and friendship.

For Symphony of the Cells and essential oil magic.

For a glass of wine and delighting in collaboration with inspiring partners and powerful dreamers and doers. 

For sunshine and yummy salmon for lunch, for walking around a beautiful city, for DoTERRA and leaders

who light the way for me and my Heart Nature tribe. For my family whom I’ll reunite with in less than 48 hours,

For adventures behind, adventures happening now, and adventures to come.

For finding joy in each day and releasing self-judgement. For Jason Mraz music as the background soundtrack of my life. For my husband’s vision, willingness to communicate and listen, for ways he’s taught me about loving in our imperfections.

For texts from my son and cute puppy pictures to share. 
For friends and family near and far, old and new. For all this and more, I am grateful,